Siret : 92101894100010
Urssaf : 7487204023399
Originally from France, Olivier Mattia, was immersed in the world of art by his parents from an early age. His father was a painter, and his mother a kindergarten teacher; he grew up visiting exhibitions, galleries and museums on his weekends and during childhood vacations.

Both his father's style of knife painting between abstraction and figuration, and his mother's work with basic shapes and bright colours left a lasting impression on 0xma's perception of visual arts. Drawing, painting and graphic design were early interests for him, yet his aptitude for mathematics and technical concepts led Olivier into scientific studies.

After the trauma of his father’s sudden death from Covid in April 2020 0xma re-engaged with his passion for visual creativity, initially to honour his father's legacy by creating physical paintings. Evolving from this, Olivier soon combined his original love for graphic arts together with his interest in new technologies to form his own unique multidisciplinary approach to digital creation.

In year 2021, generative art has become Olivier's favourite artistic playground. It allows him to use technique and instinct, in balancing the challenges imposed by strict logic of code with the freedom of artistic expression.  The randomness of the outputs force Olivier to break away from the desire to achieve a perfect result, and accept the beauty created through chance and happy coincidences, while still allowing him to maintain a level of influence over the direction of his creations. It is from this moment that Olivier takes the name of artist 0xma for his generative works.

As an artist, 0xma wants to capture moods and explore their particular beauty. His approach is characterized by a constant dialog between the deterministic and the random parts of his work. He spends long hours fine-tuning the code to achieve the results he’s conceived , but in the irony of artistic expression,  0xma knows that the images created while testing the algorithms will not  be part of the final art form but rather, will remain an image in his memory creating an energy that will be ever present but never recreated in an identical form in any future iterations.

This indeterminacy is the basis for the collaboration with the minter of his art. Only when the future collector interacts with the algorithm, through a randomly assigned transaction seed will each unique artistic creation be generated and introduced to the world, being visible to 0xma and the collector both for the very first time.

The artist's style is shaped by his goal to create works of art that anybody can relate to, through our many different personal experiences, cultural roots, and social environments. It is in the work of rhythm and sequence, in the almost imperceptible shaping of infinitely small nuances that become visible only through numerous generative iterations, where 0xma creates fascinating pieces of art that manage to be both simple and complex at the same time.
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